Thoughts on Revelation 22

Today’s reading: Psalm 69; Revelation 22

Revelation 22 always gets me excited for eternity.

I mentioned a couple days ago that I’ve been listening to The Bible Project podcast episodes about heaven, and how the idea of a disembodied, ethereal existence in heaven is really as far as you can get from a biblical view of eternity. At least for me, this is a topic that is helpful to hear about often because, growing up, the ethereal view of heaven, floating in the clouds somewhere, was always the view of heaven that I had. So even though I know now that eternity will be spent in a renewed and perfected creation, it’s easy for my thinking to default back to those wrong views that I held for so long.

But there is nothing ethereal or disembodied about the vision of Revelation 22, and that always helps me think in more concrete terms about what God has for us.

This morning, as I was reading, I got excited to dive into the river and swim in the shade of the trees of life. It’s the beginning of summer for us right now and I had my kids at the pool the other day. Being the beginning of summer, the pool water was fresh and clear. The pool hasn’t been open long enough for too many kids to pee in it for them to need to pump it so full of chlorine that it burns your eyes to swim in it. The result was just an incredibly refreshing swim in the heat! And that’s what I’m imagining this morning in the new Jerusalem, diving into the life giving waters, swimming in the shade of the trees of life, and enjoying their fruit while I lounge in the water.

It may seem like a small or silly thing to get excited about, but this is what I love about the vision in Revelation 22, that it just makes eternity, at least in one small portion, so beautifully clear and practical that it’s easy to get excited about it.

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