Thoughts on Psalm 62

Today's reading: Psalms 60-62; Revelation 18

Does my soul ever actually wait for God in silence?

This is the big question that immediately hit me when I read the opening line of Psalm 62 this morning. I make time to sit down with the Word and in prayer each day, but rarely do I actually wait in silence for the Lord.

Life is so busy and entertainment is so constant and easily available that my soul is never silent. Distraction is never further away than the phone in my pocket or a new browser tab over. When I'm sitting in silence, my response is not to sit quietly, but to fill that silence and distract my brain with something else.

But some of the sweetest times I have ever known with the Lord have been the times I would regularly sit in silence and wait for Him. For a time, I made a habit of setting aside ten minutes a day to just sit quietly before Him, no distractions, no agenda, just sitting quietly before Him, and it was wonderful, but I have fallen out of that habit.

I'm going to make that time again today, and I'm going start intentionally sitting in silence before the Lord like I did in the past. It can be hard at times, but I know that it is important for my soul.

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