Thoughts on Psalm 1

Today’s reading: Psalms 1-4; 2 Peter 1

I love the imagery from Psalm 1 of a tree planted by streams of water.

It’s such a simple image, but is so helpful to me, especially in times when the storms of life are blowing hard enough to feel like things are out of control, and I’m not sure how I can stand up in the midst of them. Based on this Psalm, I sometimes sit and look out my window, staring at the trees blowing in the wind. Those trees are deeply rooted and have stood through winds and storms, time and time again, and they are still standing strong. There is a stability there that isn’t disrupted by the changing seasons or the passing storms because it’s based on the depth of the roots.

The fact of the matter is, for as big as some of these trees are, and for as deeply as their roots may go, we have greater stability in the Lord than any tree could ever have in the earth.

As we spend time reading and meditating on the Word of God, our roots sink deeper and deeper into the foundation that can never be shaken. When He is the ground into which our roots are sunk, there is no wind or storm strong enough to knock us over. That’s not to say we never feel the wind making us sway, or feel like the storm is so strong as to be threatening, but the reality, despite our feelings and fears, is that our foundation cannot be shaken.

Nourished by God’s Word, we are like trees planted by streams of water, constantly watered and fed, flowering and bearing fruit in season, with roots constantly sinking deeper and deeper into the rich soil of our relationship with the Lord.

I love this imagery and think about this Psalm a lot. 

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