Thoughts on Ezekiel 23

Today’s reading: Ezekiel 23; Galatians 5

I don’t have much to say about Ezekiel 23 this morning other than that I don’t think it’s really as shocking anymore as it should be…

There is no doubt that Ezekiel is trying to shock his hearers in how he describes the idolatry of Israel here. The language and imagery he uses is graphic, and foul to the point of being obscene. He doesn't use this language just for the fun of being obscene, but rather, like we talked about the other day, to make sure his hearers couldn't ignore the point he was making. To make sure it works that way though, he really does go over the top in how he describes Israel's idolatry.

What's really striking and sad to me as I'm reading it this morning though is that this really doesn't seem all that crazy or shocking by today's standards. Honestly, today, this sounds more like the kind of advertising for an OnlyFans account that is half the reason I decided to get off social media entirely recently than it does anything shocking or shameful. Not that it shouldn't be shocking or shameful, just that, by today's standards, it really isn't.

I think it's an important reminder to me of just how far from the Lord our culture is. I still struggle, relatively often, with wanting to not stand out too much from the people around me in my pursuit of the Lord. I'm not at all ashamed of being known as a Christian, but that can definitely paint a target on your back these days, especially where certain issues are concerned, and I can definitely sinfully prefer to be comfortable rather than stand out for the Lord. But how not shocking this passage is in our current culture is a convicting reminder to me of just what it is I'm wanting to fit in with. God doesn't call me to blend into a sinful and shameful culture that is running further and further from Him, whether I prefer it or not, He calls me to stand out from the culture like a city on a hill or a lamp on stand, giving light to the whole room.

This is a helpful reminder to me...

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