Thoughts on 2 Corinthians 5

Today’s reading: Ezekiel 11; 2 Corinthians 5

I’ve long said, “You’re never more naked than when you’re naked with socks on.”

I don’t know why, but having socks on, while otherwise naked, is a contrast that accentuates just how naked I am in a way that actually being fully naked never does. I think it’s that being fully naked is consistent, and thus feels fine (in certain contexts anyway), but adding socks to the mix is like saying, “I should be clothed right now, but the single least covering/important piece of clothing is the only one I have on.” I mean, I regularly go to work, church, or the grocery store without socks on (just wearing flip-flops), so clearly they aren’t covering any essential part of my nakedness.

Reading Paul’s comments this morning in 2 Corinthians 5 on wanting to be more fully clothed in our heavenly bodies than we are in our earthly bodies is what makes me think of this.

Am I living my life in a way that makes me feel naked (spiritually speaking)?

Just like how I might be comfortable being naked, because it’s cohesive and consistent, but then putting socks on accentuates how naked I am in a way that makes me feel like I want/need to be more clothed, am I living so cohesively and consistently with this world and it’s values that I don’t notice the shortcomings of this earthly tent and therefore don’t long for the heavenly?

When we are trying to live for the Lord, we are going to run into our sin and our physical limitations in a way that we likely won’t notice if our lives look just like the world around us. And the more we run into these things, the more we find ourselves unable to live for God in the ways we want to, the more we will yearn to be clothed in our heavenly dwelling.

I take this as a bit of a spiritual gut check. I don’t want to be so comfortable, living in and for this world, that I don’t notice how naked I really am. And if I don’t ever feel naked, am I compromising in a way that means I never run into those struggles and limitations?

I can’t wait to see what God has for us in heaven…

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