Thoughts on One Year of this Blog

Today officially marks one year since I started this project!

So first off, thanks to all of you who have been following along, and especially to those of you who have hopped in, commented, and contributed to the discussions over the last year! I really appreciate it, even (and maybe especially) when you disagree!

I wasn't really sure what to expect when I decided to start writing posts alongside the reading plan, but I was not expecting what it ended up being. I was originally thinking I might write a paragraph or two every few days when something struck my fancy, but it very quickly became much more involved, with a post almost every day of the past year, each being much more than just one or two paragraphs. I ended up with 356 posts over 365 days, generally spending 1-3 hours a day on the posts...

It has been a mixture of really challenging and really helpful working on these posts every day. On the one hand, just making the time has been a big challenge, but it has also really challenged and helped me dig deeper into the Word. There were days, over the course of this plan, that I wasn't sure what to write about, and had to spend a lot more time and effort thinking and praying about the passages and the people potentially reading this blog to figure out where to go with the post. There have also been those days, like we all have, where I have been extra tired, extra busy, or just struggling, and when it's a lot easier to read my Bible because I need to check off a box on a reading plan, rather than actually considering what I'm reading and connecting with the Lord over it. Writing these posts has forced me, even on the hardest days, to really sit down before the Lord, with His Word, and dig in. Honestly, some days in the past year, if not for this blog, I don't know that I even would have gotten myself to do the reading to "check the box." Taking our three little kids for a month out of the country to finalize an adoption was really draining, both mentally and physically, and so many days it would have been so much easier to justify not taking the time to draw near to the Lord when I really needed it the most, so I'm really grateful to have had this blog to push me to continue to draw near to Him through His Word, even when I really didn't feel like it.

I'm really grateful though to have been able to keep up with this blog over the last year, and also really grateful that my wife has been willing to put up with me constantly wanting to talk through whatever it is I am writing about that day (thanks hun!). So thank you to all of you who have been reading along in the plan with me! I'm looking forward to the rest of this year, finishing out our 2-year reading plan!

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