Thoughts on Isaiah 49

Today’s reading: Isaiah 49; Revelation 15-16

First of all, it’s December 25th, so Merry Christmas!

But also, because it’s Christmas, this is going to be a short post today. I mostly just want to point out one of my favorite metaphors in the Old Testament.

It is so easy, especially in times of suffering, disappointment, or difficulty, to feel like God isn’t there, isn’t paying attention, or has simply forgotten you. This was the place Israel was in as God spoke to them through Isaiah in Isaiah 49, wondering if He had forgotten or abandoned them. God reassures them that He has not forgotten them by asking if a mother can forget her nursing child. He tells them that even if the mother could forget the child at her breast, He would still not forget Israel. How impossible would it be for such a thing to happen, and yet God says it would be even more impossible for Him to forget Israel.

This is the character of God and the love He has for His people. These words were spoken to Israel, not to all people generically, but in this regard, I think we, as Christians, can count even more on this truth and reality than Israel could. Like I talked about a bit yesterday, Israel was God’s chosen people, but we have a completely different status in Christ than Israel ever did. In Christ we have been adopted into God’s family and He calls us His children. So if it would be so impossible for God to forget His chosen people, how much more impossible would it be for Him to forget us, His adopted children?

This is the assurance we can have through every moment of difficulty or challenge in this life, that God has not forgotten or forsaken us. God is always faithful and He can never, and will never, forget us, His children.

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