Thoughts on 1 Samuel 29

Today's reading: 1 Samuel 29; 1 Corinthians 16

I always find 1 Samuel 29 to be super entertaining.

David has been living in Philistine territory, attacking cities of the Philistines and their allies, and then lying to Achish about it, telling him instead that he has been attacking cities of Israel. Achish is so confident of David's allegiance that he is going to take him and his men along to fight against Israel!

This is one of those times when I love imagining the details of what was happening. I just picture David and his men marching to battle, surrounded by Achish's men, trying to slyly whisper to one another, "Psst... Dude, what are we going to do?" "I have no idea, but keep your voice down!" "Are we supposed to be attacking our brothers once it starts, or are we going to attack Achish?" "I don't know, David hasn't figured it out yet." "Okay, but if we start attacking the Philistines, could you make sure to take out Lahmi? I think he stands next to you in the line up and I lost a LOT of money to him in a game of poker at camp last night, and I would love to not have to pay up..." "Dude, seriously, shut up!"

But even more so, for David, what was he going to do?? He is the anointed king of Israel, there is no way he can attack his own people, but he and his men are on the wrong side of the battle line to turn around and start fighting the Philistines. And even if he could work his men to an advantageous position to turn and attack the Philistines, all of their families are still living in Achish's territory. Even if David and his men could successfully turn and survive, what is going to happen to their families? I have to imagine that David's mind is racing trying to figure out what to do, and then God uses the other Philistine lords to give him an out. Ironically, if they had not opposed Achish bringing David to the battle, it would have made things very difficult for David, but their opposition gives him something of a Get Out of Jail Free card.

Then I love it even more when David acts all offended about it. Here he has been lying to Achish the entire time, and then when Achish comes to send him home he acts all righteously offended due to his great faithfulness to the Philistines this whole time! It's amazing on so many levels.

So while it is cool that God came through for David here and used the Philistines themselves to get him out of this predicament, I mostly just find this whole interaction hilarious.

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