Thoughts on Joshua 2 & Luke 15

Today’s reading: Joshua 2; Luke 15

Today’s chapters are a good reminder not to decide for someone else whether or not they are interested in the Lord.

In both chapters it is the seemingly unlikely person/people that are open and receptive to the Lord.

In Joshua 2 it is a prostitute who recognizes the supremacy of Israel’s God and actively seeks to align herself with Him, and in Luke 15 it is the tax collectors and sinners who are coming to Jesus while the religious people are the ones who reject Him.

It can be so easy to look at someone’s background, lifestyle, or beliefs and assume that they would probably not be all that interested in the gospel. More than that, when we make this kind of assumption, it is is easy to feel more timid or fearful about sharing the gospel with that person because of an imagined hostility to the message of the cross.

The reality is though that it is so often the exact people we would write off as likely being disinterested or hostile who most clearly see their own need and are most receptive to Jesus.

Is there someone like this in your life? Is there someone who you feel the Holy Spirit pushing you toward to share the message of the grace and forgiveness of God in Jesus Christ, but who you have held back from assuming that they would not be interested? Why not let today be the day you share the grace of Christ with them and let them make the decision for themself?

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