Thoughts on Deuteronomy 29

Today’s reading: Deuteronomy 29; Luke 8

The very end of Deuteronomy 29 is what stood out to me this morning:

The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.

Maybe this stands out to me today because we just finished Revelation and there is so much in there that hasn’t been revealed to us, but this is important to remember regardless of what part of the Bible we are talking about.

God, in the Bible, has revealed to us enough to understand our spiritual condition before Him, what He has done about our spiritual condition, and how it is we respond to Him. That’s obviously not all there is in the Bible, but that, in essence, is what the Bible is for. It explains to us how the world got the way it is, how God feels about it, and what He has done (and is currently doing) to restore what has been lost and corrupted.

The Bible is not the repository of all knowledge, and we would be mistaken to either try to treat it as though it were or to reject knowledge that we gain from outside the Bible (e.g. scientific, medical, engineering, etc.). But there are things God has chosen to not reveal to us and we need to be okay with that. This is partly why, as we were going through Revelation, I mentioned that if someone claims to have all the answers or to have a system that figures it all out, you are probably safe to ignore them. The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us. We need to be content with the things that have been revealed to us an let those draw us closer to our God without feeling the need to “fill in the gaps” on our own that He saw fit to leave open.

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